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2021-10-25| 发布者: 榆次便民网| 查看: 135| 评论: 1|文章来源: 互联网

摘要: 【藏品名称】:北洋造光绪元宝[collectionname]:YuanbaoofGuangxumadeinBeiyang【藏品类别】:钱币Collectioncategory:Coins【藏品简介......


[collection name]: Yuanbao of Guangxu made in Beiyang


Collection category: Coins


[collection introduction]: in 1908 (the 34th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu), Beiyang Yinyuan Bureau (formerly known as Beiyang Machinery Bureau) was established. In the center of the front of the silver coin, there are four characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" embedded in the bead circle. Outside the bead circle, the upper end is "made in Beiyang" in Chinese, and the lower end is "Kuping Qiqian Dichen" in Chinese, with a dot on each side. In the center of the back of the silver coin is the picture of Panlong, and the upper ring is "the 34th year of Guangxu". There is a circle at the bottom of the left and right ends. Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currency in circulation during the reign of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty. There are 19 provincial bureaus casting, except the central household department, all of which are copper coins cast by local provinces. As the first printing currency to introduce overseas technology, it has certain historical significance even today.


"Guangxu Yuanbao" is an early Chinese machine-made coin. It is one of the top ten modern machine-made coins in China. It is commonly known as "Longyang". It is named after the dragon pattern on the back of the coin. It is of great practical and historical significance. In addition to the constant wars in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, some precious varieties of Guangxu Yuanbao silver have been rare and have high collection value. It is welcomed by many collectors. The development of Beijing silver dollar reflects the advance and retreat of China's monetary policy in the late Qing Dynasty. Understanding the history of money and the process of coinage can not only help us to understand the historical value of silver coins, but also improve our understanding of the types, colors, dragon patterns and tooth edge features of silver coins in different periods.

此钱币为北洋造光绪元宝库平七钱二分样币。于光绪34年(1908)铸造。银币正面中珠圈内镌满汉文”光绪元宝”四字,圈外上端镌“北洋造",下端镌币重库平七钱二分", 左右各伴一圆点星,钱币背面中心为一幅栩栩如生的蟠龙图,目光如炬,炯炯有神,龙鳞雕刻细密有致,腾云驾雾,身姿遒劲有力,尽展皇家威严大气,生动传神,上下刻有英文字,左侧有阿拉伯数字“34”,币身文字笔划和纹饰线条清晰流畅,边齿规整。品相上乘,包浆饱满,背面的神龙是全鳞图,蕴含一定的历史意义,可以说极具收藏与投资价值。

This coin is a sample coin of Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping Qiqian made in Beiyang. It was cast in 1908. On the front of the coin, the four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" are engraved inside the Pearl circle, and "made in Beiyang" is engraved on the upper end outside the circle. At that time, the characters of "made" were made by die and machine, with less strokes, which was very rare. The lower end of the coin is engraved with "the seven coins of Kuping are divided into two parts", each with a dot star on the left and right. In the center of the back of the coin is a vivid picture of a flat dragon, with bright eyes and bright spirits. The dragon scale is carved in detail, flying through the clouds, strong and powerful, displaying the majesty of the royal family, vivid and vivid. There are English characters on the top and bottom, and Arabic numerals "34" on the left, The strokes and decorative lines of the characters on the coin body are clear and smooth, and the edges and teeth are regular. The dragon on the back is a full scale picture, which contains certain historical significance. It can be said that it has great collection and investment value.


Beiyang is the old name of Tianjin area, which was called Zhili Province in Qing Dynasty. Beiyang Machinery Bureau (also known as the General Administration of arms and machinery and Tianjin Machinery Manufacturing Bureau) is an early modern ordnance factory in China. It was founded in 1867 by Chonghou, Minister of Commerce of three ports in Beiyang. In 1870, it was taken over by Li Hongzhang. In 1887, Li Hongzhang founded the machine coin casting Bureau (Baojin Bureau) attached to the Beiyang Machinery Bureau in Tianjin, where he made machine-made copper coins. Some of the equipments were imported from Beiyang Machinery Bureau and some from Britain. The "dragon ocean" is the originator of the silver yuan and the earliest silver yuan in China. In addition, the dragon is a symbol of power, nobility and honor in Chinese traditional culture. In the collection, the dragon is the most famous, the collection about the dragon is the most abundant, and the appreciation space is the largest。





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